Shingle Re-roof – Lake Elsinore, California

Shingle Re-roof1

Shingle Re-roof in Lake Elsinore, California, using asphalt shingles is a demanding job. You must comprehend every aspect of roofing before beginning any work. Whether you’re a layperson or a seasoned roofer, this guide will assist you in understanding the reroof procedures before you get your hands dirty.

Woolbright’s Roofing is proud of its history as one of the pioneers in Southern California’s modern roofing industry. Harboring over thirty years of experience, we have one of the best shingle re-roof services in Lake Elsinore, California. Call us at 951-609-1818 to learn more about our company.

Shingle Reroofing 101

Reroofing your roof is an investment in its durability and function. Here, we will cover the most crucial topics in the most straightforward manner in this beginner’s guide.

The Shingles

There are two options to consider: 3-tab shingles and architectural shingles. While 3-tab shingles offer budget-friendly choices, architectural shingles provide greater durability and come with extended warranties, often lasting up to 50 years. Make sure you make an informed choice based on your preference as well as the weather conditions you live in.

Getting things ready

Shingle Re-roof

Proper preparation is crucial here. A roofer starts by discarding existing shingles and thoroughly inspecting the roof decking for any damage. If there is any damage or breakage, now is the time to address it.


A roofer starts by covering the roof with felt paper, which adds an extra layer of protection. Then, after methodically placing the shingles, your shingle roof not only looks appealing but also performs exceptionally well, protecting your home effectively.

Why Should Anyone Hire Woolbright Roofing?

Woolbright’s Roofing and Construction has been Southern California’s go-to roofing company for the past thirty years! Our collaboration with Conklin guarantees access to premium roofing materials and a long-lasting shingle roof. Prioritizing safety on every project, Woolbright complies with all OSHA regulations. They ensure your satisfaction by providing specialized services to fit your specific requirements and financial constraints. Their emphasis on environmentally friendly methods not only safeguards your property but also positively impacts the environment. With all of this offered at a reasonable cost, Woolbright’s is the undisputed leader in roofing services.

Call Us Today!

To book an appointment with Woolbright’s Roofing and Construction for a shingles re-roof project for your property in Lake Elsinore, California, call us at 951-609-1818.