How Insulation Works

To find out what R-Value is right for your home, Call: (951) 609-1818
Fiberglas™ Insulation works on the principle of trapped air pockets. Millions of tiny air pockets form between the tangled strands of the Fiberglas™ Insulation. These air pockets resist the passage of heat flow through the material, reducing heat loss in the winter and heat gain in the summer. Generally, the thicker the insulation, the more air pockets and the higher the R-value.
R-value Defined
The insulation performance of all insulation products is measured by a common standard: the R-value. R-value measures resistance to heat flow; the higher the R-value, the greater the insulating power. R-value is usually determined by the thickness of the insulation. With the AttiCat™ Blown-In Insulation System, you can blow-in insulation as thick as you want to achieve any desired R-value.